Sin and Sanity Vs PASSION for CHRIST

May 18, 2015 at 1:24pm

Sin and Sanity Vs PASSION for CHRIST

Tired toggling between Sin and Sanity .Aren't they are wiped away .Can't HiS Love Burn the Rod of Judgement .Righteous- hood is never possible to me

We are not saints nor our testimonies hold good to proclaim great Righteous-hood.We are simple defected people and diverted to every deception .we are not strong but weak . The only Claim on the day judgement and the only sweetness about us we cant deny CHRIST .

Deep inside.. every Heart ,Flickers in HiS PaSSion like a Fish on the Shore.

Offcourse There is fear of Death but not more than PASSION for CHRIST

Offcourse There is jealosy but but not more than PASSION for CHRIST

Offcourse There is lust for Money but not more than PASSION for CHRIST .

Though Heavens are taken away for me My PaSSion for Christ will still remain.

Though Hell is offered , My PaSSion for Christ will still remain.

Though Suffering surrounds me , My PaSSion for Christ will still remain.

Though Death buries me ,My PaSSion for Christ will still remain.

Though embarrassment is to its core , My PaSSion for Christ will still remain.

Though im made poor , My PaSSion for Christ will still remain.

Though no blessing come to me , My PaSSion for Christ will still remain.

"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Romans 8:38- 39

HiS PaSSion Reigns ...

watsapp number - +91 9620811185
HiS PaSSion Reigns..
Defend Love
The Promised Land - Canaan

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